Cooling Racks: suits 16” trays (410x730mm) or 18” trays (455x730mm),15 trays a rack

Cooling Rack: suits 16” Trays (410x730), 15 trays per rack

the Curved Topped racks and the Square Topped Rack both have double bolts in each corner of the rack to create a stronger and less flexible rack.

the Curved Topped racks and the Square Topped Rack both have double bolts in each corner of the rack to create a stronger and less flexible rack.

closer look at the double bolt

closer look at the double bolt

again double bolt corners and soft rubber wheels

again double bolt corners and soft rubber wheels

Taglavini Oven Rack.JPG

Taglavini Oven Rack

Custom made to:Tray size, trays/rack, and heights with High temperature Aluminium wheels


Revent Oven Rack

Custom Made to: Tray size, Trays/rack, height, with high Temperature Aluminium Wheels.